
Wednesday 7 July 2010

Canna 'Ouse'

A medium sized aquatic cultivar, equally at home as a water marginal or in the border; green foliage, lanceolate shaped, transparent margin, upright habit; flowers are open, self-coloured canary-yellow, throat old-rose, staminodes are long and narrow, edges irregular, petals yellow, fully self-cleaning, average bloomer; fertile both ways, not self-pollinating or true to type, capsules globose; rhizomes are long and thin, coloured white and pink; tillering is slow. The curled lip is a quaint feature of this cultivar, and it stands out well against the pink in the throat of all of the staminodes.

Introduced by Malcolm Dalebö, Claines Canna Collection, Worcester, England, EU in 2007. The Claines Canna Aquatics have been bred to populate garden ponds that are just a few metres square, compared with the much larger Longwood Aquatics destined for huge ponds and lakes.
The breeding is C. 'Endeavour' x C. 'Wye'

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