Saturday, 5 September 2009

Canna 'Party Piece'

One of the collections stock plants that has prospered this year is Canna 'Party Piece'. In spite of the foul weather it has already grown three stems and its spikes of flowers have been truly eye-catching.

It is a small Premier Group cultivar; green foliage, ovoid shaped, spreading habit; spikes of flowers are open, yellow-orange with a narrow gold margin, staminodes are large, fully self-cleaning, outstanding bloomer; fertile both ways, not self-pollinating or true to type, capsules globose; rhizomes are thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, coloured white and pink; tillering is prolific. 

Introduced by Malcolm Dalebö, Claines Canna Collection, Worcester, England, EU in 2008. The breeding is Canna 'Louis Cottin' x open. Once again, Louis Cottin has proved to be a great seed parent.

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