Wednesday 10 December 2008

Revisiting Canna 'Queensland Arrowroot'

A giant Agriculture Group cultivar; green foliage, very large, oblong shaped, spreading habit; spikes of flowers are erect, self-coloured red, staminodes are long and narrow, edges regular, petals red with farina, fully self-cleaning; fertile both ways, not true to type, self-pollinating, capsules globose; rhizomes are thick, up to 7 cm in diameter, coloured pink and purple; tillering is prolific.

A hybrid, transported to Australia where it has now become an environmental problem in the wild, because it is so prolific. However, the temperate northern climate restrains it, and there it is a remarkable architectural specimen. Has the potential to be grown for conversion to a biofuel, due to its extremely high starch levels, higher than any other plant.

Synonym: C. 'Australian arrow root'

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