Canna 'Musaefolia cultivars belong to the Foliage Group of Cannas. In the 1800's it was sometimes attested that Canna 'Musaefolia' was a species. However, our two modern day taxonomists, Professor Maas and Dr Tanaka, do not acknowledge this as a species, or even attempt to specify which species it is a synonym for. Therefore, we must treat it as a cultivar. In the first work devoted to Canna, Le Canna, authored by M. Chaté in 1867 with the co-operation of Monsieur Théodore Année, we were provided with the first written description and details of origin. This is also the authority as to the spelling of the variety, and we know that the two spellings commonly seen, namely C. 'Musafolia' and C. 'Musifolia', are incorrect and are just synonyms .
The first work dedicated solely to Cannas, by E. Chaté, Le Canna, son histoire, son culture, published by Libraire Centrale d'Agriculture et de Jardinage in 1867, stated that:
This species was formerly described in the English, Dutch, and German horticultural journals under the name of C. ''excelsa''. It was named musæfolia by Mr. Année, who introduced it into France in 1858, from the resemblance of its leaves to those of the Musa or banana-tree. It reaches a height of more than 8 ft. and has green, downy stems, and very large, oval, green leaves. Flowers small, orange-yellow. It is a tender species without rhizomes, and requires to be kept constantly growing. Peru.
Nothing that matches this description exists today, all known Cannas have rhizomes or tubers. It is either extinct, a hybrid, or a mutation that was mistaken for a species, as happened to over 100 others that were mistaken as species in the early days of domestication. Whichever way, it cannot be proven to be a species, and taxonomists will not acknowledge anything without evidence.
However, we do know that the early hybridisers, led by Monsieur Année, crossed the original import and produced cultivars, some of which still live on.
Canna 'Musæfolia Hybrida'
A tall Foliage Group cultivar; dark green foliage, very large, broadly oblong shaped, maroon margin, spreading habit; oval stems, coloured green; flowers are upright, self-coloured salmon-red, staminodes are small, edges regular, style is red, petals purple with farina, fully self-cleaning; fertile both ways, not true to type, self-pollinating, capsules round; rhizomes are thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, coloured purple; tillering is prolific. Introduced by Théodore Année, Passy, France, EU in 1860.
Canna 'Musæfolia Minima'
Leaves of a whitish green, badly set. Flowers small, orange brown. No rootstocks. Introduced by Théodore Année, Passy, France, EU in 1860. Chaté E. (1867)All Canna grown today have rhizomes or tubers, this hybrid must now be considered to be extinct.'
Canna 'Musæfolia Peruviana'
A tall Foliage Group cultivar; green foliage, very large, broadly oblong shaped, maroon margin, spreading habit; oval stems, coloured green; spikes of flowers are open, red-orange with orange-red spots, staminodes are medium size, edges regular, labellum is gold flecked, stamen is gold with orange markings, style is orange, petals yellow, fully self-cleaning; fertile both ways, not true to type, self-pollinating, capsules round; rhizomes are thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, coloured pink and purple; tillering is prolific. Introduced by E. Chaté et fils, sentier Saint-Antoine, Saint-Mandé, Paris, France, EU. in 1862.
This does not normally flower in northern climates, but if kept growing over the winter in a heated greenhouse or conservatory it will happily bloom either in late spring or late summer.
Canna 'Musæfolia Perfecta'Stems from 5 ft. to 6½ ft. high. Leaves broad, very firm, of a handsomish whiteish green. Flowers small, yellow. Roots fiberous, without rootstocks. Introduced by Théodore Année, Passy, France, EU in 1862. Chaté E. (1867)
The description states without rootstocks. No such cultivar exists any more and must be considered extinct.'
Canna 'Musaefolia Rubra'

A tall Foliage Group cultivar; dark green foliage, very large, broadly oblong shaped, maroon margin, spreading habit; oval stems, coloured green; flowers are upright, self-coloured salmon-red, staminodes are small, edges regular, style is red, petals purple with farina, fully self-cleaning; fertile both ways, not true to type, self-pollinating, capsules round; rhizomes are thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, coloured purple; tillering is prolific.
Canna 'Musæfolia Grande'

A giant Foliage Group cultivar; green and purple variegated foliage, large, oval shaped, maroon margin, branching habit; half-round stems, coloured green + purple; spikes of flowers are upright, self-coloured orange-red, staminodes are long and narrow, fully self-cleaning; fertile both ways, not true to type, self-pollinating, capsules globose; rhizomes are thick, up to 7 cm in diameter, coloured purple; tillering is prolific. Introduced by Herb Kelly, USA, from Venezuala. The earliest reference to this is Kelly's Plant World, California, USA. 1989.
So, there we have it. The descriptions come from the pen of one of the hybridisers, and his book was reviewed by the great Monsieur Année himself. To summarise, there was one species, possibly extinct, but more likely growing away happily in the wilds of Brazil and Peru away from preying eyes. There were five F1heritage hybrids, two of which are almost definately extinct, as nobody admits to growing Canna hybrids that have no rhizomes, and the three remaining hybrids, still growing in our gardens. Plus C. 'Musaefolia Grande', the modern cultivar. More postings on these surviving specimens to follow...
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